Sunday, March 29, 2020

Finding The Best RareJob Tutor Rate

Finding The Best RareJob Tutor RateThere are many people who will say that RareJob Tutors has a reputation for being cheaper, but the truth is that a RareJob tutor can be just as good if not better than any other service. And the best part is that you can find the best one by knowing the tips and tricks to getting the best one available.Tutors are actually not as expensive as you think they are. Most likely, you would be looking at a teacher for a child who was in a home study program who is due to graduate and so you would actually end up paying him more than the instructor because you would be paying for the services of the instructor plus the services of the tutor. However, the fact is that the price of a tutor should only include the salary and the required costs of the teaching.Teachers do charge higher tuition fees, and there are also other costs such as uniforms and tests to get the student to pass the written tests. The basic cost would include the classroom room, the furnitu re, the books and the other equipment. For example, you would be looking at a class for only three students, with one instructor.If you would like to go on a regular course, you might be expected to pay a high rate to cover all the fees of all the students involved. This is the same whether it is a short term program or a long term one. Therefore, you would need to find out how much a tutor in a particular program charges.If you really want a tutor, you have to ask and find out how much a tutor would charge you in addition to the fees you are paying. Most of the companies offer cheap rates, but the best ones would have a range of prices from which you can choose.Tutors generally do not come cheap. Many teachers would simply try to cut their costs to the bone. However, most of them do not really want to put in the hard work required to get to a good level of teacher.So, instead of seeking the perfect teacher, you should get a tutor and then make your own decision. You will not be loo king at the benefits that a tutor can provide, you will be finding out about what you are getting. If you are aware of the cost of the tutor, you can then compare prices to find the best one available.If you are not looking for the perfect tutor, you should still research the cost of the tutor before you actually choose one. You will then be in a position to choose the best tutor for your needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! wishes all tutors, teachers, instructors, parents and students happy holidays and joyous and restful season. We are sincerely delighted to have you as our customers.  For 2012  we also  wish you  that your beautiful  wishes  come true,  educational targets  and bright  ideas come to an  implementation. Your  Tutorz  Team

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Inspirational Quotes and Sayings ~ Leonardo da Vinci Learning never exhausts the mind. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452 1519) was an Italian Renaissance painter, architect, sculptor, musician, inventor, engineer, mathematician, and writer. Leonardo da Vinci is widely known as one of the greatest painters and the most talented persons of all time. Only small number  of his paintings  survive till our days. The most famous of his works are  the Mona Lisa,  The Last Supper and  the Vitruvian Man. Leonardo is also renowned for his  technological  ingenuity. He developed concepts of  a calculator,  a tank,  a helicopter, concentrated solar power and many other prominent inventions which were  were not even feasible  during his lifetime.  Leonardos scientific  interests included such disciplines  as  civil engineering,  anatomy, hydrodynamics and  optics and he made many outstanding discoveries in these fields.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

6 Things To Do Just After Grad School by TutorNerds

6 Things To Do Just After Grad School by TutorNerds Tips from an Orange County Tutor: 6 Things to do Just After Grad School Tips from an Orange County Tutor: 6 Things to do Just After Grad School When students finish grad school, they go through a huge transition that often isnt recognized. Being a full-time student, often studying up to 60 hours per week, is very different from holding a standard 8 5 job. Most grad students dont have much of a work-life balance but rather spend the majority of their time in the lab or library. Although many will start a job almost right away, quite a few will need some time to search for a job in their field. Post-baccalaureate degrees are specialized after all, and it can take the time to find the perfect career fit. To adjust to a post-education routine, there are few things students can do just after grad school. 1. Get a transition job Recent grads in highly specialized fields may not be able to find a long-term position immediately. However, finances are always an issue for grad students, and its important to locate a transition job as soon as possible. Jobs that are in some way related to the students field of study will be more desirable as they can successfully beef up a resume. In many cases, the salary for these jobs isnt any higher than a standard part-time job, but it will help a recent grad get their foot in the door. 2. Focus on student loan payments As soon as a student has officially graduated their student loan payments come due. Its important to organize how these loans will be paid back and in what increments so that a recent graduate has enough money to make ends meet while focusing on a thorough career search. Some companies will help a student pay back their loans if they take a “hardship” position and some loans can be deferred for a short period.   Its important for students to calculate their loan payments into their budget when they are choosing a career and a place to live (5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate School). 3. Organize a long-term career search While most students will have to focus on finding a short-term job, they should also spend a fair amount of time organizing a long-term career search. Graduates considering working in academia or research will need to fill out extensive applications and gather numerous recommendations and references. Graduates working outside of academia will still have a substantial job hunt, but the specifics will vary from field to field. Its important to organize this sooner rather than later. 4. Find a work-life balance Most grad students study and research the majority of their waking hours. People can only do this for so long, so its important to resume a work-life balance after graduation. This means putting in a good eight hours working but also reconnecting with friends and family and simply enjoying some free time or a hobby. Successful employees will know how to relax and have a clear head for the work day that lies ahead (READ: What to do between undergrad and grad school) . 5. Maintain academic connections Although students will be leaving campus, its really important for them to maintain any academic connections they have made over the years. The network of professors, student colleagues, and teaching assistants are all valuable resources when it comes to job search and recommendation. Even if a student moved away for a career position, its important to keep in touch because they never know when those connections will be most valuable. 6. Be creative Specialized skills that come with a graduate degree are extremely helpful when a person finds the right career position. However, specialized jobs can be harder to find than ones that align to a broader set of skills. Recent grads are encouraged to be creative and think outside the box. Is there a position that they hadnt considered but might be great at? If they moved out of their area would they have a better chance of gainful employment? Many students have a specific idea of what their first professional job will be while theyre studying but after graduation, its important to be flexible especially when working on building a resume. Still trying to get into grad school? Our experienced Orange County private grad school admissions consultants are here to help! Call us today to learn more.

Some Interesting Facts About NaOH H2O Reaction

Some Interesting Facts About NaOH H2O ReactionNaOH H2O Reaction is a chemistry wherein the water is dissolved in the container, the container becomes heated and this process goes on for a couple of hours till a reaction is done. This reaction happens only when the water becomes saturated with hydrogen gas (hydrogen gas is created when water is cooled and this gas is stored in a tank as oxygen)This molecular gas is free to enter other cells due to the presence of hydrogen. Therefore it is called 'NaOH' which means pure water. NaOH is usually produced by pouring boiling water into a bottle of cold water.The process is called as polymerization in compound organic chemistry. NaOH solution is made by adding concentrated sulfuric acid. This acidic solution is available in large supply and in recent times it has become affordable and easy to use.The main reactions of this reaction are reaction between the anhydride (hydrogen) and the reaction between the anhydride and the acetate (water). I t is one of the oldest chemical reactions in the world. This reaction starts at pH level 8 and moves up to an alkaline level of pH 4.This reaction takes place due to excessive heat of reaction. The product of this reaction is H2CO3 which is stored in tanks. To make the product of this reaction, these tanks must be hot enough to absorb the excess gas from the product.These chemical products are used for many purposes like as feedstock for the production of various chemicals, fertilizer, fossil fuels, and many other useful substances. When you go online, you will find a large collection of online websites that carry essential information related to this interesting reaction.There are other types of reactions, which are usually done in compound organic chemistry. The reaction between the hydroxide and the acid is done at pH level 8 and then moves to the alkaline level of pH 4. You can see the other types of reactions here.

Filtrate Definition - An Introduction

Filtrate Definition - An IntroductionFiltrate definition is the study of any substance in its molecular structure, as it exists in nature. The study of chemical filtration and identification is the basic responsibility of the filtration laboratory. This includes the act of gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, radio-purification, ionization mass spectrometry, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Through this study, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the substances are determined.Chemical filtration can also refer to any of several types of chemical methods used to separate chemicals from other materials, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), water, and gases. VOCs are the leading contributors to airborne pollution. VOCs include gasoline, chlorine, diesel, and other petroleum products. Water filtration uses ion exchange to remove dissolved impurities. Gas chromatography utilizes vacuum energy to separate chemicals, such as p etroleum products, VOCs, and some metals, in water.Filtrate definition should not be confused with the word filtration. There are a number of different types of filtration methods, all of which must be used according to specific guidelines. A chemical filtration method will help identify the components of a substance, but will not provide knowledge of the nature of that substance.To further define filtrate definition, it is useful to think of the distinction between physical and chemical filtration. Physical filtration is the study of a substance in its molecular form. Examples of physical filtration methods include steam distillation, gas chromatography, and the carbon-based pump. The more common of these methods are the two mentioned above.Chemical filtration is used to reduce the amount of pollutants that enter the water supply, especially for smaller scale applications. It includes the use of purification technologies, such as reverse osmosis, advanced precipitation filters, and membrane-based systems. These chemical filtration technologies, such as membrane-based systems, have also been found to be effective in eliminating contaminants not found in smaller scale applications.Chemical purification is used in public water treatment facilities for flushing out chemical contaminants before using them in water supply applications. One of the latest and most popular chemical purification technologies is the ion exchange. This technique takes advantage of the surface tension between oxygen and molecules, to carry out chemical purification.Chemical purification technology can be used to remove pollutants before they reach public water supplies. In some cases, it can also be used in private water systems to improve quality and remove chemicals that cause illness.

System of Inequalities

System of Inequalities A single inequality of one or two variables can be solved by plotting the inequality on a coordinate plane and graphing the line. The solution set for an inequality is the entire region which satisfies the given inequation. System of inequalities consist of more than one inequation and in order to find its solution set we should graph all the inequalities on the coordinate plane. After shading the region for each inequality, the common shaded region of all the given inequalities is the solution for the system of inequalities. Example 1: Solve the given system of inequalities: x + y -1 and x 0. Graph the inequality, x - y -1 treating it like a general equation. Similarly graph the inequality x 0. Now, shade the region of the given inequalities according to their signs. The green line represents x y -1. The red line represents x 0. The common shaded region is the solution of the given system. The shaded region continues till the end of the straight lines. Example 2: Solve the given system of inequalities: x + y 4, x 2 and y 0. Graph the inequality, x + y 4 treating it like a general equation. Similarly graph the inequalities x 2 and y 0. Now, shade the region of the given inequalities according to their signs. The red line represents x + y 4. The green line represents x 2. The blue line represents y 0. The common shaded region is the solution of the given system. The shaded region continues till the end of the straight lines.

Centroid of Trapezoid

Centroid of Trapezoid Centroid of trapezoid is a useful tool to find the centre of the trapezoid. Geometrically the Centroid of a trapezoid is between the two bases or in other words lies on the median of trapezoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral ( a 4 sided polygon ) that has ( at least one pair ) 2 sides parallel. The formula for the centroid of trapezoid that has parallel side a and b where the b is the base and height is h and Centroid is above b at a distance of x is given by: X = [(2a + b) / (3 x (a + b))] x h Example 1:- Find the Centroid of trapezoid which has sides a = 5 m and b = 7 m and height is h = 9 m. Solution 1:- For the given question Base length a=5 m; b=7 m Height h=9 m Centre of the trapezoid X = [(2a + b)/(3 x (a + b))] x h X = [(2(5) + (7))/(3 x ((5) + (7)))] x 9 X = [17/(36)] x 9 X = 4.25 m The centroid of trapezoid is 4.25cm Example 2:- Find the Centroid of trapezoid which has sides a = 5 m and b = 7 m and height is h = 9 m. Solution 2:- For the given question Base length a=6 m; b=8 m Height h = 5 m Centre of the trapezoid X = [(2a + b)/(3 x (a + b))] x h X = [(2(6) + (8)) /(3 x ((6) + (8)))] x 5 X = [20 /(42)] x 5 X = 2.38 m The centroid of trapezoid is 2.38m

How to effectively manage your mood for better workplace performance - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to effectively manage your mood for better workplace performance - Introvert Whisperer How to effectively manage your mood for better workplace performance? We all have experienced days when everything seems to be going haywire in our life, right from waking up late to not reaching the office on time and getting a warning from the boss. It’s quite obvious that we are not in our best of spirits on such days, and that takes a toll on our productivity as well at work place. Some would argue that it’s quite natural. However, what if despite all this chaos, you could still be unaffected and deliver your best? Wouldn’t that be great? This post talks about the same. It’s a well known fact that how you feel has an important impact on how you work and the final productivity that you deliver throughout the day. Even researches also back this fact that moods or state of mind have direct correlation with work performance. Besides, bad mood often spreads to colleagues and becomes a contagious problem, just like happiness and cheerful mood is infectious. There are people who are genetically predisposed to remain calm and cheerful, come what may, and such professionals are a true asset to a team, as they will keep the spirits high, even during adverse times. HR professionals are always keen to select such candidates, and this quality places them at a vantage point over other candidates, keeping everything else similar. However, not all are born equal. There are many of us who fret over simple problems, become anxious and clumsy, and that affects how we think, perceive and work. This reflects in poor performance and missed deadlines at times. Does that make us a poor performer? Not necessarily. But it certainly reflects that while in the workplace there is a need for everyone to control their negative emotions, and moderate their turbulent thoughts so as to help develop a productive and positive work environment. How does state of mind affects work performance? There is conclusive evidence that proves that your current state of mind has a direct correlation with performance. According to a HBR study conducted by three researchers who were in constant touch with leaders of global companies, 94% of those leaders reported that Calm, Happy and Energized were the three most common states of mind during which they gave the highest level of performance. Thus it is not difficult to infer that CHE is the state of mind that drives highest level of performance and productivity. In an experiment conducted by scientists at University of Western Ontario in Canada, people were asked to watch funny or depressing videos to put them in different moods. A set of people watched the funny videos of comedy show “whose line is it anyway”, while the other set of people were asked to watch news reports about natural calamities and similar stuff. Then both the sets were assigned two tasks and sure enough, people having positive state of mind had performed better in at least one of the two tasks. There are many reasons why a depressing mood affects your performance. You might find it hard to concentrate on the task given or find the challenge too intimidating to even start. Lack of confidence, will power and procrastination are some other mental blocks that people having bad moods face while performing work at office. Whatever may be the subtleties, the truth is that the mood with which you start your day carries over into the work that you perform later on and affects how you deal with them. So how do you get over your mood swings, especially when at workplace? Now, when it is established that bad moods do little good when it comes to performance, there must be conscious efforts on parts of all of us to keep this from happening too often. While it is hard for anyone to prevent irritating things happening to us, controlling how to respond to them can keep our productivity isolated from these occasional negative moods. Learn few relaxation tricks Physical relaxation can lead to effective management of negative emotions. One should have few relaxation tricks up their sleeves which can be utilized in the hour of need. Keeping an upright, relaxed posture while sitting or standing, deep breathing, looking at pleasant pictures, reading or watching something funny, having a small chat with colleague are some of the techniques that really work wonders. Different people respond differently to various stimuli, and therefore you should experiment and learn what works best for you. Connect with positive people around you Being surrounded with jolly and contended individuals helps you to feel good about yourself. There are have been multiple studies that prove people often mirror the gesture of others so as to establish a better rapport with them, without even realizing it. Thus, keeping company with irritated, negatively motivated employees will automatically aggravate our bad mood and emotions. Similarly, we also copy body language and behavior of people who are more calm, happy and energized, subconsciously. Spending time with such people is a natural antidote to negative emotions that can help us improvise our performance. Keep a healthy routine Perhaps the most important defense against negative state of mind is keeping you energized and healthy through daily fitness regimes and leading a balanced lifestyle. This effectively covers your sleeping patterns, eating habits and daily exercise routines. This is a must, even when everything seems to be going right for you in terms of performance. Good habits after all help you in all walks and spheres of life. While bad moods are hard to prevent, with optimum efforts you can keep them from affecting your workplace relationships and productivity. Guest Author Bio: Saurabh Tyagi, a career and motivational author who consistently writes articles on various job related themes. This article is particularly useful for professionals applying to high stress positions like VP Marketing or VP HR as they have a hectic regime. You can follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter. Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.